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Signs It Might Be Time for You or Your Loved One to Enter Assisted Living

Whether you are exploring assisted living options for you or someone close to you, it is difficult to determine when the right time is to make a move. At Silverbell Homestead, we understand how stressful—and emotional—it can be as you research these options.

We want to make your journey easier by explaining the signs that show it might be time for assisted living. By the end, you will have a better understanding as to when you or your loved one should consider this option.

Deterioration of Physical Health 

When you or your loved one find that their physical health is declining, it might be time to move into assisted living. Frequent falls, or frequently injuring yourself, is a concern that should be taken seriously. If you find you are falling more than you used to, you might consider this option. Moreover, if you have worsening chronic health conditions, this service could benefit you—especially if you have to go to frequent medical appointments or need consistent monitoring. Finally, mobility issues are cause for concern, so if you are having trouble moving, it might be time to consider this service.

Cognitive Decline

Memory loss or general confusion/disorientation might mean that it is unsafe for you to live alone. If you find yourself forgetting appointments and commitments, getting lost in places you have visited before, and neglecting to take care of your health, take action and move to an assisted living home.

Struggle With Daily Activities

As you age, it becomes harder to participate in your day-to-day routine. If you are unable to care for your personal hygiene, household chores, or health, that is a reason to consider this type of care. To live alone, you should be able to do the following:

  • Brush your hair and teeth, change your clothes, and bathe
  • Cook nutritious meals
  • Do laundry, the dishes, and other chores

Social Isolation

Maintaining your physical health is important, but you must be able to maintain your mental and emotional health, too. That said, if you find yourself feeling lonely or withdrawn, moving to an assisted living home will be helpful. You can find community when you can socialize with and live among other seniors.

Trouble With Financial Management

When unpaid bills pile up and you find yourself falling for financial scams easier than you would have in the past, it might be a sign that assisted living could benefit you.

Overwhelmed Caregivers

Family members might be in charge of taking care of you when you live at home. So, if you find that your caregivers are feeling overwhelmed and your level of care has risen above their expertise, it might be time for assisted living.

There Are Safety Concerns

Having trouble taking care of your home or living in a cluttered space can pose a safety concern. If your home has stairs, an unsafe bathroom, or an upstairs master bedroom, you might need to move into a less dangerous home. Of course, it is also a safety concern if you are showing signs of Alzheimer’s and wandering.

Medical Problems

The more complex your medical needs are, the more reason you have to consider this type of care. If you have a lot of medications to manage or you have to be hospitalized, it will take the stress off you and your family if you move into an assisted living home.

Changes in Emotional Health

When behavioral issues that cannot be managed arise, an assisted living home might be the right choice. This service can benefit your quality of life when you go through changes in mood—like depression, anxiety, and irritability.

When You See the Signs, Choose Silverbell

Assisted living is the best choice for you or your loved one if you see the signs we have discussed. If you’re concerned, talk with a healthcare professional or one of our team members at Silverbell Homestead. For more information about living at Silverbell Homestead, contact us.