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10 Ways To Slow Cognitive Decline

People can slow cognitive decline by taking on these behaviors wherever possible and in turn get the most out of their brain and body.

How To Slow Cognitive Decline

Start right away. It’s never the wrong time to start incorporating healthier habits into your daily routine. 

1. Exercise Daily 

Get moving and raise your heart rate and blood flow to the brain and body by engaging in routine cardiovascular exercise. Physical exercise has been linked to a lower risk of cognitive impairment in several different studies. 

2. Challenge Your Mind

Formal education will help you reduce the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia at any age. Sign up for a new class at a local college, community center, or online, for example. 

3. Give Up the Smokes

Studies show that smoking is a big contributor to cognitive impairment. Quitting smoking lowers the risk to the same degree as someone who has never smoked. 

4. Take Care of Your Physical Body 

Obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes, both of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke, have been shown to have a negative effect on your cognitive health. If you take care of your heart, your brain will well obey. 

5. Be Careful & Take Safety Precautions  

A brain injury will increase the chances of developing dementia and cognitive decline. Wear a seat belt, a helmet while participating in contact sports or riding a bike, and take precautions to avoid falling. 

6. Eat Healthy Foods

Reduce the risk of cognitive loss by eating a nutritious, balanced diet low in fat and high in vegetables and fruit. Although there is little research on diet and cognitive function, some diets, such as the Mediterranean and Mediterranean-DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets, can help reduce risk. 

7. Get Plenty of Rest 

Insomnia or sleep apnea may cause memory and thought issues if you don’t get enough rest. 

8. Take Care of Your Emotional Well Being 

Some reports relate a history of depression to an increased risk of cognitive impairment, so if you’re experiencing signs of depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, seek medical help. You can also begin activities that lessen your stress, such as playing relaxing music while using a defuser with essential oils. One amazing tool for feeling uplifted is to make a gratitude list of all the things that you’re thankful for. You can also spend time watching a sunrise while sipping your favorite tea. 

9. Connect With Other People 

Maintaining a social life can be beneficial to one’s mental health. Make an effort to participate in social events that are important to you. Try working at a local animal shelter if you’re interested in becoming a part of your group. Join a local choir or volunteer at an after-school program if you enjoy singing. Alternatively, make an effort to share activities with your friends and family. Connect with people by joining a social club, local church, or volunteer with a non-profit organization. 

10. Take On New Creative Challenges

Your mind will be challenged and activated by taking on a new hobby like word puzzles or learning to paint. Play games that need you to think creatively, such as bridge. Challenging your mind can benefit your brain in the short term and for years to come.

cognitive decline, Silverbell Homestead