About Silverbell Homestead

Silverbell Homestead is a new enterprise in Western North Carolina, it’s based on an existing, successful model called “Residential Assisted Living (RAL)”. Offering a unique elder care experience, Silverbell Homestead homes embrace holistic values, compassionate resident directed-care and community-minded experiences through a variety of activities and programs. The owners and staff believe in — and practice — conscious connection and joyful engagement. In practice, this philosophy translates into a FAMILY, with an empowered care team, and a better quality of life in a “real” home setting. Our residences are the center of this community which means they direct the activities, assist in crafting the menu with your favorite recipes along with our Master Chef, and other social governances.
At a time when baby boomers are reaching age 65 in record numbers and the traditional route for assisted living facilities aren’t meeting the needs of their residents or employees, the founders of Silverbell Homestead have come up with a sustainable solution at any affordable rate.
A New Concept in Senior Living
The concept involves creating a safe, comfortable real-home environment — A radical departure from traditional long-term care, small homes return control, dignity, and a sense of well-being to elders, while providing high-quality, personalized care.
Staff and residents work as a team to create the type of home environment that is desired by the residents living in the home. We honor and encourage active participation. When family and friends come to visit you, they are welcomed not as visitors, but as family and friends in the home.
Imagine living in an environment that gets you up in the morning — whether it’s a great meal waiting for you, a friendly smile from staff, a chance to spend time with your friends or a highly anticipated event. Quality of life depends on meaningful days spent doing things you enjoy, activities that feed your soul. Physical exercise, emotional connections, getting a pedicure, manicure or haircut and stimulating hobbies can actually add years to your life while making your days full of fun and wonder.

Our Vision
Our senior care homes comfortably serve 13 to 16 residents at a time. This will become a model for a new kind of elder care, one that’s non-institutional — instead focused on treating older adults as individuals of great worth. You receive dignity, compassion, vitality and well-being — not because of who you WERE, but because of who you ARE.
Our Ideals
Silverbell Homestead founder believes in a resident-centered community where the transformational power of meaningful relationships aids to enhance brain power and encourage participation in your life. Such a community fosters a supportive environment of self-expression, daily vitality and commitment to dignity.
The owner and care-partners honor your collective life experiences. You’ll find a deep respect in daily interactions with a diverse group of people in a holistic community. You’ll engage in relationships that propagate equality, trust, empowerment and mutual respect.
These aren’t mere words to frame on a wall. These ideals drive every decision and every action that Silverbell Homestead staff undertakes. Elder care is a passion. Each home provides a safe place to live, supporting a healthy lifestyle with organic nutrition. Your season of life can blossom into renewed vitality when you make the conscious decision to live here.
Our Plans
Each home has a full-time house manager and two Care Partners (healthcare aids) to oversee the daily operation of the home, including the care of all its residents. Activities encourage you to be as active as you’re able. While your health is monitored daily, the homes aren’t medically equipped facilities like nursing homes.
Each home has a backyard garden where you can help with the gardening if you wish. An ongoing cultural emphasis brings visiting musicians, artists, writers and thinkers into the home. A partnership with community middle and high schools incorporates after-school care so young minds can interact with their elders.
Take a tour of a Silverbell Homestead home.