Providing Person-Centered Care Services
The terms “person-centered care services” and “personalized care” are frequently used while discussing senior services. Person-centered care is a phrase that is frequently heard in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, memory care villages, and retirement communities. But what exactly is person-centered care? What does it resemble, and where may one find it? The solutions might surprise you.
Person-Centered Care Services
Person-centered care is a method of providing care that respects the person receiving it.
It leverages that person’s characteristics, skills, special preferences, experiences, and life history to inform how care is provided. Knowing the “person” is the first step on the road to person-centered care. To begin with, you can do this by asking the person or members of their family questions about their past, preferences, etc. Any care plan should communicate this information to the person’s care team and incorporate it.
The best person-centered care is relationship-based.
Getting to know the person and developing a relationship increases trust between the patient and caregiver and improves the comfort of receiving treatment. When you are familiar with someone, you are aware of their normal state. Knowing someone’s normal stride or way of walking makes it simple to recognize when it has changed. Early detection of changes allows us to rapidly get the elderly person the care they require from a physician, psychiatrist, physical therapist, or another specialist before the condition worsens.
Person-centered care is a method of providing care that is oriented toward the person, not a to-do list.
Person-centered care can be found in practically any context because it is care that is provided based on the individual’s preferences. It can happen in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, daycare centers, and even in your own house. There’s a good likelihood that the elderly person’s requirements are being served by their caretakers in a person-centered manner if it’s a method you would choose for yourself.
Everyone who provides care should ideally be included in the person-centered care plan.
If an activities assistant is knowledgeable about a person’s interests and background, she can support that person more successfully. She can extend an invitation for them to participate in activities she is confident will appeal to them. For instance, when dining, it’s crucial to remember when a person has always had breakfast and make an effort to respect that time. In the eating area, there are numerous other methods to provide person-centered care. Giving options for food and drink, being aware of dietary restrictions, and being aware of what kind of support someone requires are just a few ways to continue providing person-centered care.
Any type of hands-on, everyday care is one of the situations in which person-centered care is most crucial.
If someone helps an elderly person get ready in the morning, they should be aware of whether the person is an early riser or a night owl and respect that desire. It is such a personal choice as to when we wake up, and one that is frequently compromised when a caretaker is there.
In light of this, it is crucial to base care on the needs and desires of the patient rather than a checklist of tasks. When providing care, options should be given when deciding on an outfit to wear, the temperature of the bath water, if the older would want to wear makeup or jewelry today, and in other areas that have an impact on their day.
The entire process of providing care should involve asking for permission before doing anything, such as assisting someone with getting dressed, moving their wheelchair, or adjusting their spectacles. The concept of person-centered care continues. Each team member may take part. Even a concierge or housekeeper can get to know a person and cater to their specific needs.
People frequently hesitate to seek the assistance they so sorely need at home or go to any type of institution, such as a retirement community, assisted living, or nursing home, in part because they think they will lose some of the independence they have valued their entire lives.
Person-centered care allows the individual to be independent when it is possible while providing support where it is needed and preferred.
If you are looking for elder care services in the Fletcher, NC area, CONTACT Silverbell Homestead TODAY!
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